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They did it again! Agoria Solar Team, European 2020 winners!

By September 22, 2020June 2nd, 2022News

Following their World Solar Challenge 2019 victory in Australia, our sponsored solarpowered car racing team has done it again!

Congratulations to the Agoria Solar Team now 2020 European champions! This is the third victory in a row for the Belgian team, which now can claim itself World (Australia 2019) and European champions. They also won at the Atacama desert in Chile in 2018.

The solar powered car, named BluePoint, became the winner of the iLumen European Solar Challenge on Sunday 20 September at 1pm. A record number of laps was driven thanks to a fast car and a strong strategy.

The cars use generation after generation the very latest technologies that are constantly changing. This is also one of the reasons why the Solar Team keeps building a completely new solar car for the biennial World Championship.

Proud of you guys!

Solar Team is a Belgian team consisting of 20 engineering students from KU Leuven, competing to build the best and most innovative solar car, The Blue Point.

As every customer story is unique, Klarrio hosted several meetings with Solar Team to have a deep understanding of their current workflow, methodology and future ambitions. The focus during these talks was the process of live data capture during testruns and the processing of testrun data to develop models that allow shaping an optimal race strategy.

In agreement with Solar Team, Klarrio put forward action points that define the necessary steps of their digital transformation in order to boost Solar Team’s current workflow of data processing and race strategy determination.

Discover more here.