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Mesos Meetup #2 – collect billing metrics in a multitenant environment

By September 11, 2019September 21st, 2022Events, News

Mesos Meetup #2 - collect billing metrics in a multitenant environment


Discover before the others…
how to collect billing metrics in a multitenant environment.
In a multi-tenant SaaS environment, calculating tenant consumption and billing is a challenging problem.
How do you apportion costs of shared infrastructure resources to each tenant? And what with other forms of tenant consumption like compute?

During the Mesos UG meetup, Martin Braem – COO @Klarrio – will discuss some of the strategies that you can use to capture and analyze tenant consumption data in multi-tenant environments. It highlights some of the challenges associated with instrumenting your services and architecture to enable a more granular view of consumption that you can use to inform your price modeling.

At klarrio, we are pretty good at predicting what the future of streaming data will be and we love to share our passion.
Join the meetup to meet and connect with engineers that are streaming ahead. Oh, and there will be free beers and pizza too! ?