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If you’ve missed the Apache Spark Meetup…

By April 4, 2019April 7th, 2021Events, News

If you’ve missed the Apache Spark Meetup…


Thank you Giselle van Dongen (Lead Data Scientist Klarrio), you did an amazing talk at the Apache Spark Meetup!

Amsterdam, April 3rd 2019 –
In a fully packed room @Databricks, with +100 attendees, Giselle van Dongen from Klarrio presented her expertise on Stream Processing.
Feedback was very positive; Giselle did a wonderful job and grabbed the attention of the whole group. Over drinks at the end of the seminar there was plenty of chatter on the subject.
Thanks to Databricks & GoDataDriven for organizing the event!
— Remco Meeuwesen, CEO Klarrio NL