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Download the WTCC Developer Day - R!oT 2019 presentation

Data Sketches: Fast, Efficient analytics for Streaming Data

Operational solutions involving streaming data require low-latency analytics that can operate on very large unbounded data sets.  There is a significant class of these operational solutions for which approximate results with low latency are far preferable to exact results that require significant time and computational resources.  In this presentation we explore the Data Sketch – a construct that processes streaming data in a single pass, producing mergeable, approximate results within mathematically provable error bounds while consuming minimal and configurable computational resources.


Ted Morris

Ted Morris, CDO, Klarrio US

Ted Morris is Co-Founder and CDO of Klarrio US, where his focus is on all things streaming data, streaming analytics and visualization.  Prior to Klarrio, Ted has served in diverse roles, all centered around innovation in software, including data science, solution architecture, technical pre-sales, product management, engineering management, and software engineering.

Download the “Data Sketches: Fast, Efficient analytics for Streaming Data” – R!oT 2019 presentation

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